Saturday, October 30, 2010

First love - addicted to you (Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra)
(band and orchestra music are still the best mood setters)

This song made me tear while I was thinking about all the things people said to me throughout the day, and while reading a note my friend wrote for me. 1:20 to 2:10 gives a very forward-looking kind of feeling, like the kind of encouragement along the lines of "yes take a brave step forward into a whole new world!"

The melody enters in a sure and steady manner.. moments later, a saxophone solo waltzes in like.. a beautifully dressed, classy young lady full of poise. She does a curtsey to her admirers (the flautists). The melody seems to symbolize a kind of confidence and (then the next saxophone solo comes in, louder).. she takes a greater step, more sure about herself than ever before. The flutes draw an end to the melody, as if symbolising the end of this "introductory walk" of the girl on the red carpet.. and then the doors start to open up and she is greeted by a whole new world, (jazzy, swing kind of music), a world of adults I suppose.

This segment gives me this kind of feeling, somehow.. stepping into a whole new world. Maybe this imagery came to me while I was thinking about what others said today? It's like drawing confidence from others and stepping out for the first time, realising how wonderful this self-belief can be. (can be)

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